The Numco Advantage

 Risk Reduction for Customers

From material purchasing and prototype engineering to production and final processes, Numco USA manages it all. Our customers receive completely finished parts and do not incur costs until the final process is performed and parts are shipped.

Confidence in a Qualified Supplier

Many manufacturers are apprehensive about finding new suppliers because they wonder what type of quality and on time delivery a new supplier will provide. NUMCO USA network members have been specifically approved to work with parts according to their quality acceptance level and they have been trained to our strict quality requirements. We know which member can produce the best cosmetic finishes and the tightest tolerances as well as those who can produce parts with less stringent requirements. This eliminates the guess work from our customers who are looking for a new supplier.

Troubleshooting Service At No Extra Cost

NUMCO's professional manufacturing staff is experienced in a great variety of manufacturing problem-solving techniques and has the combined resources of all the Network members to help handle any technical problems. The customer has available the best assistance in material selection, process evaluation, finishing options, and quality specifications, as well as scheduling and delivery requirements. Our wealth of expertise in the manufacturing industry can be used by the customer at any time, at no cost. This service frees valuable management time by providing a single source for troubleshooting.

Engineering Department

NUMCO network members and on-staff engineers work closely with your engineering department to review designs for cost efficiency and to ensure the best manufacturing methods available. We help our customers through the engineering, prototype and design stage, getting your part to the production phase with startling efficiency.

Cost of Parts Estimating

Timely, competitive and accurate computer-assisted quotes of material and labor at quantities requested. Costs are all inclusive, based on actual costs, not estimates, including material, labor and finishing. As costs are estimated, manufacturing engineers review design for cost efficiency to ensure the best manufacturing technologies for each step of the process.

Material Purchasing and Warehousing

NUMCO USA purchases materials and uses its own facilities to handle and store it through all manufacturing operations. Customers save all direct and indirect cost of purchasing, caring and storing raw materials as well as the inventory of parts in process. We handle all specifications, certifications and inspection with aerospace and military standards. Certifications are held and provided to the customer upon request.

Secondary Processes

NUMCO USA maintains secondary processes such as material grinding, heat treating, coating, plating, painting, marking and packaging. Customers save time by having a one-stop source for all secondary operations. Customers do not incur costs until the final process is performed and the item is shipped. Responsibility for the part rests with a single company, no matter how many processes are involved.

Finished Parts Inventory

NUMCO will stock finished parts on the shelf to be delivered to a Just in Time (JIT) schedule or, as needed, according to any schedule. Parts are not billed until actually shipped. Customers save all direct and indirect costs of purchasing and carrying inventory of finished parts. Parts held in stock can be obtained with zero lead time. Customer's warehouse space requirements are reduced. Capital tied up in inventory is reduced.

Our Quality Assurance Department

NUMCO's Quality Assurance inspection department watches over the parts from material purchasing, through in-process manufacturing to final inspection. NUMCO USA is approved to MIL-STD-45208 and uses Statistical Process Control (SPC) to assure zero defects. Customers are furnished with full inspection reports and certifications upon request. Parts are guaranteed to meet blueprint specifications and tolerances before they leave us. Customers receive only good parts reduce inspection costs. Manufacturing errors are never a cost to the customer.