CNC Machining

Numco USA provides service for precision machining, both to create new products and to supplement our other offshore manufacturing services. From simple, "flat" parts to intricate, three-dimensional components, we can provide high quality, high precision metal parts for any industry or application.

Advanced Technology For Superior Results

Numco USA precision machining utilizes the latest CNC technology to deliver superior results. Working directly from your CAD, CAM, or other digital design files, our facility can produce custom machined parts that match your exact specifications. There are essentially no limits to the part geometries that can be produced via CNC machining.

Multi-axis CNC machining equipment makes it easy to meet the tight tolerances your parts require, with consistent dimensional accuracy within just a few ten-thousandths of an inch or less. These computer-automated systems also guarantee perfect repeatability from the first piece to the ten-millionth, no matter how complex part your part designs may be. Numco has the experience and knowledge required for precision machining of a broad group of pure metals and alloys. We know how to handle cutting characteristics, tool choice, and machining variables like feed rates and spindle RPM for all kinds of metals.

Specialty materials may be available upon request.

Custom-machined parts can be manufactured from a range of metals and alloy materials, including: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, inconel, titanium, and others.


Versatile Manufacturing Capabilities

Precision CNC machining is an ideal process for manufacturing a wide variety of parts and components from scratch. However, machining is also an effective secondary manufacturing service and can be used to further process parts produced via forging, stamping or any of our other outsource manufacturing processes.

To give you more complete parts and components that require less additional processing on your end, Numco USA can also provide numerous specialty finishes, including: zinc plating, chrome plating, nickel plating, anodizing, passivation, polishing, and more.


Contact us.

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